The Team
A specialty store, especially in a branch with infinite variety, is only as good as the competence of its staff. "Der Doblinger", as the first port of call when it comes to sheet music, is proud to always be able to unite the best of the best in Dorotheergasse. This is both the basis and the guarantee that this unique institution will continue to be the absolute number 1 in the music trade

Every single member of staff at Musikhaus Doblinger combines a wide range of expertise in their respective specialist areas, is musically committed and can draw on many years of experience.
To give you an overview of your contact persons, we will briefly introduce our team below:
Andreas Lanner
Ein „Dobli“ seit 2021
Spezialbereich: Management, Budget, Network
Robert Pichler
Music House Manager
Ein „Dobli“ seit: 42 Jahren
Spezialbereich: Popularmusik
T: +43 (0) 1 515 03 26 | M:
Daniela Hindinger
Director Choral Music
A "Dobli" for: 21 years
Speciality: Choral music, classical music, accessories
T: +43 (0) 1 515 03 18 | M:
Josef Neustifter
Sales Music Books / Classical Music
A "Dobli" for: 43 years
Special area: music books, classical music, arrangements
T: +43 (0) 1 515 03 15 | M:
Michael Ehrmann
Sales Classical Music
A "Dobli" for: 25 years
Special area: classical music, pop music, UA, accessories, choir
T: +43 (0) 1 515 03 35 | M:
Kate Heyes
Verkauf Klassik
A "Dobli" for: 12 years
Speciality: classical music, choir music, accessories
T: +43 (0) 1 515 03 35 | M:
Bettina Schwarzmüller
Verkauf Popularmusik
A "Dobli" since: 12 years
Special area: pop, UA, jazz, accessories
T: +43 (0) 1 515 03 15 | M:
Johann Zerzawy
Ein „Dobli“ seit: 18 Jahren
Spezialbereich: Wareneingang / Versand,
T: +43 (0) 1 515 03 11 | M:
Bettina Letz
Ein „Dobli“ seit 2024
Spezialbereich: Accounting, Controlling